Content Guidelines

At, we want to make sure everything on our site helps people learn about Islam in the right way. Here are some rules for what you can submit:

1.Be True and Correct: Everything you share must be true and accurate, according to the Quran and Hadiths. Use reliable sources and avoid making things up.

2.Be Respectful: Treat Islamic beliefs and figures with respect. We don’t allow any hate speech or disrespect based on religion, race, gender, or anything else.

3.Teach Something: Share things that help people learn about Islam. We want to educate and inspire others to understand better.

4.Make it Easy to Understand: Keep things simple and clear so everyone can understand. Avoid using complicated words without explaining them.

5.Be Original or Give Credit: If you didn’t make something yourself, say where you got it from. Copying without permission is not allowed.

6.Stay on Topic: Share things related to Islam, like Quran verses, Hadiths, and spiritual topics. We’re here to learn about Islam, so keep it relevant.

7.Get People Talking: We like when people talk and share ideas. Share things that make people think and talk about Islam.

8.Follow the Rules: Don’t break any laws or rules. No violence, illegal stuff, or hurting others.

Following these rules helps keep a great place to learn about Islam. Thanks for helping us make it better!