Copyright Policy

We at respect the rights of creators and expect our users to do the same. Everything you find on our site, including Quranic verses, Hadiths, Surahs, text, images, and software, is either made by us, licensed, or used with permission.

If you believe that your work has been copied on in a way that breaks copyright law, please let us know with:

1. A description of your work and where you found it on our site.
2. Your good name, address, phone number, and email address.
3. A statement saying you believe the use isn’t allowed by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.
4. A statement saying the information you gave is true, and you’re the copyright owner or authorized to speak for them.

Once we get a valid notice, we’ll quickly remove or block the content and take action as needed by the law.

Remember, saying something is copyright infringement when it’s not could get you in trouble.

For any copyright questions or notices, email us at [your contact information].

Thanks for helping us respect copyrights.