Prophets Stories

In the light of divine guidance, we reflect upon the lives of the prophets, whose stories illuminate the path of righteousness and devotion. Each prophet, chosen by Allah, brought a unique message and served as a beacon of faith. Here, we honor their legacy, offering a glimpse into the divine connection that binds humanity.

Table of Contents

Stories Of Prophets Mentioned in Quran

🌿 Prophet Adam (آدم) (AS)

Click here for complete story of Prophet Adam

🌿 Prophet Noah (آدم) (AS)

Click here for complete story of Prophet Noah

🌿 Prophet Hud (AS)

Click here for complete story of Prophet Hud

🌿 Prophet Salih (AS)

Click here for complete story of Prophet Salih

🌿 Prophet Ibrahim (AS)

Click here for complete story of Prophet Ibrahim

🌿 Prophet Lut (AS)

Click here for complete story of Prophet Lut

🌿 Prophet Ismail (AS)

Click here for complete story of Prophet Ismail

🌿 Prophet Isaac (AS)

Click here for complete story of Prophet Isaac

🌿 Prophet Yakub (AS)

Click here for complete story of Prophet Yakub

🌿 Prophet Yusuf (AS)

Click here for complete story of Prophet Yusuf

Who Are the Prophets in Islam?

In Islam, prophets, known as “Anbiya” (plural) or “Nabi” (singular), are individuals who have been specifically chosen by Allah to convey His message to humanity. The role of a prophet is to guide people towards righteousness, to remind them of their duties to Allah, and to teach them how to live in a way that is pleasing to Him. They are considered the best among humanity, selected for their exemplary character, honesty, integrity, and unwavering devotion to Allah.

Role of the Prophets

Prophets in Islam act as a bridge between Allah and people. Their main job is to teach people about Tawhid, which means believing in the oneness of Allah. They warn against shirk, or associating others with Allah, and guide people to live morally and ethically. Prophets also bring Allah’s laws and instructions, often through holy books, and show people how to live by these teachings.

Prophets : Verse from the Quran

Prophets as Guides to Humanity:

Allah says in the Quran, “We have sent among every nation a messenger [proclaiming]: ‘Worship Allah and avoid Taghut (false gods).’” (Quran 16:36). 

This verse emphasizes that every nation was sent a prophet to guide them towards the worship of Allah alone.

Prophets as Warners and Givers of Good News:

The Quran states, “[We sent] messengers as bringers of good tidings and warners so that mankind will have no argument against Allah after the messengers. And ever is Allah Exalted in Might and Wise.” (Quran 4:165). 
This verse underlines the dual role of prophets: to give glad tidings to those who believe and do righteous deeds and to warn those who disbelieve and engage in wrongdoing.

The Character of Prophets:

Allah describes the prophets as people of the highest moral character. For example, about Prophet Muhammad (SAW), Allah says, “And indeed, you are of a great moral character.” (Quran 68:4). 
This verse highlights the exceptional character of Prophet Muhammad, which is a common trait among all prophets.

Prophets as Bearers of Revelation:

The Quran mentions, “It is not [possible] for a human being that Allah should speak to him except by revelation or from behind a veil, or by sending a messenger to reveal, by His permission, what He wills. Indeed, He is Most High and Wise.” (Quran 42:51). 

This verse explains that prophets receive divine guidance either directly from Allah or through an angel (such as the Angel Gabriel) who delivers the revelation.

The Purpose of Sending Prophets:

Allah says, “And We did not send any messenger before you [O Muhammad] but We revealed to him that, ‘There is no deity except Me, so worship Me.’” (Quran 21:25). 

This verse reiterates the core message of all prophets: the worship of Allah alone.

How many Prophets sends as per Hadith ?

The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, “There were one hundred and twenty-four thousand prophets, of whom three hundred and thirteen were Messengers.” (Sunan Ibn Majah, Hadith 4286).

How Many Prophets mentioned in Quran ?

In the Quran, 25 prophets are mentioned by name.

  • Adam
  • Noah (Nuh)
  • Abraham (Ibrahim)
  • Lot (Lut)
  • Isaac (Ishaq)
  • Jacob (Yaqub)
  • Joseph (Yusuf)
  • Shuaib (Jethro)
  • Moses (Musa)
  • Aaron (Harun)
  • David (Dawud)
  • Solomon (Sulaiman)
  • Elias (Ilyas)
  • Elisha (Alyasa)
  • Jonah (Yunus)
  • Zachariah (Zakariya)
  • John the Baptist (Yahya)
  • Jesus (Isa)
  • Muhammad (SAW)
  • Hud
  • Salih
  • Shu’ayb
  • Idris
  • Dhul-Kifl
  • Khidr (though his name is not explicitly mentioned, he is considered a prophet in Islamic tradition)