Surah Yaseen (Heart Of The Quran)

Surah Yaseen verse words, ruku, and letters chart

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Read, Listen, Download PDF, and Learn the Summary & Benefits of Surah Yaseen Online.
Read, Listen, Download PDF, and Learn the Summary & Benefits of Surah Yaseen Online.
Read, Listen, Download PDF, and Learn the Summary & Benefits of Surah Yaseen Online.
Read, Listen, Download PDF, and Learn the Summary & Benefits of Surah Yaseen Online.
Read, Listen, Download PDF, and Learn the Summary & Benefits of Surah Yaseen Online.
Read, Listen, Download PDF, and Learn the Summary & Benefits of Surah Yaseen Online.

Summary Of Surah Yaseen

Surah Yaseen is the 36th chapter of the Quran, consisting of 83 verses. It is often referred to as the “heart of the Quran” due to its profound and comprehensive message. Here is a summary of Surah Yaseen, divided into sections with single-line summaries for each verse.

Section 1: Introduction and Quran's Significance (Verses 1-12)

  • Verse 1: The Surah begins with the Arabic letters “Ya-Sin,” which are known as “Muqattaʿat” (disjointed letters). These letters are considered a divine mystery, and their exact meaning is not known.
  • Verse 2: The Surah emphasizes that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is a messenger sent by God, affirming the truth of the message he brings.
  • Verse 3: This verse highlights that the Prophet is on a straight path, meaning that his message and guidance are clear and correct.
  • Verse 4: It states that the message of monotheism is intended to guide the people who have not yet been guided, emphasizing the importance of following the divine message.
  • Verse 5: This verse explains that God’s decree is inevitable and will come to pass, and it describes the people who will be guided by the Prophet’s message.
  • Verse 6: It speaks about the punishment that will befall those who reject the message, referring to the fate of previous nations who disbelieved.
  • Verse 7: This verse highlights the disbelief and stubbornness of those who reject the message, despite the clear signs and guidance from God.
  • Verse 8: It describes how God has set a barrier around the disbelievers, preventing them from accepting the message and receiving guidance.
  • Verse 9: This verse uses the metaphor of a wall and shackles to illustrate the spiritual and moral blindness of those who reject faith.
  • Verse 10: It emphasizes that the message is for all, but those who do not believe are destined to face the consequences of their rejection.
  • Verse 11: This verse highlights that the Prophet can only warn and deliver the message; it is up to the people to accept or reject it.
  • Verse 12: It reflects on the power of God to give life to the dead, as a sign of His ability to resurrect, and underscores the reality of the Day of Judgment.

Section 2: Story of the Messengers (Verses 13-30)

  • Verse 13: Parable of the city with messengers.
  • Verse 14: They were sent two messengers.
  • Verse 15: The people rejected them.
  • Verse 16: They insisted they were sent by Allah.
  • Verse 17: Their duty was only to convey the message.
  • Verse 18: The people threatened to stone them.
  • Verse 19: The messengers said their message was clear.
  • Verse 20: A man came urging people to follow the messengers.
  • Verse 21: He said the messengers do not ask for any reward.
  • Verse 22: He questioned why they should not worship the Creator.
  • Verse 23: He declared belief in the Lord.
  • Verse 24: He urged others to listen to the messengers.
  • Verse 25: He was told to enter Paradise.
  • Verse 26: He expressed his wish that his people knew his reward.
  • Verse 27: They continued to deny and were destroyed.
  • Verse 28: No army from heaven was sent to destroy them.
  • Verse 29: Their destruction was a single cry.
  • Verse 30: They regretted not heeding the messengers.

Section 3: Signs in Creation (Verses 31-50)

  • Verse 31: Reflects on the many generations before who were destroyed due to their disobedience, serving as a warning for current and future generations.
  • Verse 32: Emphasizes that all previous generations will be gathered before Allah on the Day of Judgment, highlighting accountability.
  • Points to the earth as a sign of Allah’s power, with dead land being brought to life, producing food for sustenance.
  • Verse 34: Describes how Allah has created gardens of date palms and grapevines, bringing forth fruits.
  • Verse 35: Reminds that these blessings are provided by Allah, urging gratitude.
  • Mentions that Allah has created everything in pairs, a sign for those who ponder.
  • Verse 37: Night and day are highlighted as signs of Allah’s creation, with night providing rest.
  • Verse 38: The sun runs its course, an ordained path by Allah.
  • Verse 39: The phases of the moon are explained, likening it to an old date stalk.
  • Verse 40: Clarifies that neither the sun nor the moon can overtake the other, as each moves in its orbit by Allah’s command.
  • Verse 41: References the Ark of Noah as a sign of Allah’s saving power.
  • Verses 42-43: Mention that Allah has provided other means of transport and sustenance, showing His continuous care.
  • Verse 44: Highlights that it is Allah’s mercy that keeps people safe during their travels.
  • Verse 45: Warns those who turn away from the signs of Allah.
  • Verse 46: Mentions that even when shown signs, disbelievers turn away arrogantly.
  • Verse 47: Describes how disbelievers mock the believers when asked to spend in charity for Allah’s cause.
  • Verse 48: Disbelievers mockingly ask when the Day of Judgment will come, not realizing its suddenness.
  • Verse 49: The verse warns that the Day of Judgment will strike suddenly while they are unaware.
  • Verse 50: Concludes with the scene of resurrection, where they cannot make wills or return to their families, highlighting the immediacy and seriousness of the Day of Judgment.

Section 4: Resurrection and Judgment Day (Verses 51-68)

  • Verse 51: The trumpet will be blown and they will rise.
  • Verse 53: It is the promise of the Merciful, come true.
  • Verse 54: No soul will be wronged on that day.
  • Verse 55: The righteous will be in bliss.
  • Verse 56: They will be joyfully rewarded.
  • Verse 57: They will have whatever they desire.
  • Verse 58: A greeting of peace will be given to them.
  • Verse 59: The guilty will be separated.
  • Verse 60: Allah reminds of the covenant to worship Him.
  • Verse 61: This is the straight path.
  • Verse 62: Satan led many astray.
  • Verse 63: This is Hell for the disbelievers.
  • Verse 64: They will be cast into it for disbelief.
  • Verse 65: Their mouths will be sealed, and their hands and feet will testify against them.
  • Verse 66: If Allah willed, He could take away their sight.
  • Verse 67: If He willed, He could paralyze them.
  • Verse 68: He grants them life, and then they return to Him.

Section 5: Allah's Power and Mercy (Verses 69-83)

  • Verse 69: The Quran is not poetry; it is a clear message.
  • Verse 70: It is to warn those who are alive.
  • Verse 71: Reflect on the cattle Allah created for you.
  • Verse 72: You have benefits from them.
  • Verse 73: They provide warmth, food, and other uses.
  • Verse 74: Yet, they worship others besides Allah.
  • Verse 75: These false gods cannot help them.
  • Verse 76: Believers should rely on Allah.
  • Verse 77: Man is created from a drop of fluid.
  • Verse 78: They doubt resurrection.
  • Verse 79: Allah can recreate them from dust.
  • Verse 80: He created the heavens and the earth.
  • Verse 81: He can certainly recreate humans.
  • Verse 82: When He wills something, He says “Be,” and it is.
  • Verse 83: Glory be to Him, in Whose hand is the dominion of all things, and to Him, you will be returned.

Benefits Of Surah Yaseen

  1. Forgiveness of Sins

  2. Ease of Death

  3. Fulfilling Needs

  4. Intercession

  5. Protection from Harm

  6. Blessings in Daily Life

  7. Spiritual Benefits

  8. Healing

  9. Guidance and Clarity

  10. Increase in Rewards

What Hadith says about Surah Yaseen ?

Heart of the Quran

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is reported to have said:

“Surely, everything has a heart, and the heart of the Quran is Yaseen. I would love that it be in the heart of every person of my people.    


Recitation for the Dying

Recite Yaseen on those who are dying.”

( by Abu Dawood, Ibn Majah, and Ahmad)

Seeking Forgiveness

“Whoever recites Surah Yaseen at night seeking the pleasure of Allah, that night he will be forgiven.”

( by Ibn Hibban, Al-Tabarani, and others)

Fulfillment of Needs

“Whoever recites Surah Yaseen in the morning, his needs for that day will be fulfilled.”

(Reported by Al-Bayhaqi)

Intercession on the Day of Judgment

“Surah Yaseen is referred to in the Torah as ‘Mu’amma’, meaning one that eases for its reader the difficulties of this world and the next, and it will intercede for him on the Day of Judgment.”
(Reported by Al-Bayhaqi)

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